Surviving Healthcare At The UHN

A patient's inside view of the UHN

Archive for the tag “easy”

Critline use

Critline use

Here is the professionals’ manual for using a Crit-line monitor. Once again…critline is a very efficient way of doing hemodialysis without all the ‘normal’ side-effects. Low BPs, cramps, fluid off too fast, not enough fluid taken off, too much fluid taken off…all can be prevented by the use of a critline. You need no longer wait until you ‘crash’ with dizziness & low blood pressure or excruciating cramps and you no longer need to guess at how much fluid to remove by ‘dry’ weight. Proper use of a critline can predict a BP crash or cramps caused by too quick or too much fluid removal & prevent leaving ‘wet’. It’s easy to use/read, a patient can use it just as easily as a nurse.

Educate yourselves!

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